The Swayumbhu (self-manifested) Navagrahas are one of its kind in the entire world where the idols are in the appropriate position & direction. And to one’s amazement, the idols have naturally evolved in monolithic granite stone making whole as one unit of 9 planets connected and grounded as if evolved from beneath the earth

One may find many Navgrah temples what makes this special and one of its kind:
One may find Navgrah temple in Konark Sun temple but all the idols are facing in one direction.
There is a cluster of Navagraha Temples dating from the Chola dynasty near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu but each temple is located in a different village
Importance of Navgrahas present in Hedavde Mahalaxmi temple
The idols are at one place and facing the right direction as our scriptures have prescribed Surya occupies the central place, Chandra on Surya’s east, Budha on his south, Brihaspati on his west, Shukra on his north, Mangala on his south-east, Shani on his south-west, Rahu on north-west and Ketu in the north-east.
Each Graha has facial carving as how the grahas are exactly described in scriptures..for Mangal Graha is young and energetic
As we all know there certain grahas which are malefic so-called krura grahas, just by the gaze of Graha or standing in front of them can cause great peeda. But here the ALL grahas are in deep trance(eyes are closed) so they cannot cast their gaze(Harm devotee) on devotees who take their darshan
When seen from top-level numerical "9" digit is formed on the navagraha.
The idols are about 27 inches in height (about 2.5 feet). Which total equals nine.
All idols have specific mantras engraved on the top.
Moortis/Vigras are very lively as if real
Very powerful Aura surrounds the dieites
Natural waters flows in this area
Each Moorti/Vigrah has different look , Shastras, & Vahans.
The Origin of Navgrah story in Hedavde Mahalaxmi Mandir:
During the process of renovation (Jirnodhar), it was decided to make as much space as possible for the devotees. On the northern side of the Mandir, the workers came across a huge rock. The rock was about 30 feet x 30 feet wide and 4 feet above ground level. It was decided to cut the rock and clear the area. Modern earthmoving machinery was summoned to cut the rock. But it failed. As per the suggestions of the construction teams, many methods were utilized but the rock wouldn't move. All options exhausted it was decided to call for a giant caterpillar earthmover (similar machines were used in past to create a road through ghats), but to sheer dismay, the machine landed on the premise no sooner it started, its hydraulic system busted. Whenever they went within the vicinity of the rock they used to face some of the other problems. The hydraulic pipe would burst or electrical short circuits in the machinery. There was a lot of frustration in the air as the construction work was not moving further. Prayer was offered to Mata Mahalaxmi to help and resume the work. The same night temple head priest had a vision from Hedavde Mahalakshmi Mata explaining the presence of Navgrah devtas in the rock and as per her instructions; the rock was not to be disturbed and work to be proceeded omitting the area.
After few months again prayers were offered to seek guidance from Mata Mahalaxmi. Special rituals were carried out as per guidance from Mata Mahalaxmi. Work started, eventually, Mandir witnessed a miracle, the stones started coming out like butter, Previously which all the latest equipment could not do was done by orthodox tools. As the layer of 8~12 inches of rock was removed, the Navagrahas started appearing in form, each different from the other. Each navgrah was unique in its aura and charm. The navagrahas are in deep trance without any stress in eternal meditation under the blessing of Mahalaxmi Mata.
Navagraha Gods:

1) Surya (Sun)
Surya is notably the visible form of God that one can see everyday. Surya is the son of Kashyapa and Aditi. His chariot is pulled by seven horses. They symbolically represent the seven colors of white light and the seven days of the week. Surya has hair and arms of Gold. He is the chief solar than all the planet. He presides over “Ravi-war” or Sunday. Surya has two wives named Sandhya and Chaaya. He has three sons namely Shani(Saturn), Yama (God of death) and Karna (Mahabharata) and a daughter named Yami (Yamuna)

The Swayumbhu (self-manifested) Navagrahas are one of its kind in the entire world where the idols are in the appropriate position & direction. And to one’s amazement, the idols have naturally evolved in monolithic granite stone making whole as one unit of 9 planets connected and grounded as if evolved from beneath the earth
One may find many Navgrah temples what makes this special and one of its kind:
One may find Navgrah temple in Konark Sun temple but all the idols are facing in one direction.
There is a cluster of Navagraha Temples dating from the Chola dynasty near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu but each temple is located in a different village
Importance of Navgrahas present in Hedavde Mahalaxmi temple
The idols are at one place and facing the right direction as our scriptures have prescribed Surya occupies the central place, Chandra on Surya’s east, Budha on his south, Brihaspati on his west, Shukra on his north, Mangala on his south-east, Shani on his south-west, Rahu on north-west and Ketu in the north-east.
Each Graha has facial carving as how the grahas are exactly described in scriptures..for Mangal Graha is young and energetic
As we all know there certain grahas which are malefic so-called krura grahas, just by the gaze of Graha or standing in front of them can cause great peeda. But here the ALL grahas are in deep trance(eyes are closed) so they cannot cast their gaze(Harm devotee) on devotees who take their darshan
When seen from top-level numerical "9" digit is formed on the navagraha.
The idols are about 27 inches in height (about 2.5 feet). Which total equals nine.
All idols have specific mantras engraved on the top.
Moortis/Vigras are very lively as if real
Very powerful Aura surrounds the dieites
Natural waters flows in this area
Each Moorti/Vigrah has different look , Shastras, & Vahans.
2) Chandra (Moon)
Chandra is the Moon God born in milky ocean. Chandra is the second member of Navagraha. He is described as young, handsome, and having a club and lotus in his hands. He is also known as "Soma” and presides over Monday. Chandra is the member of lunar system. He rides a chariot pulled by ten white horses.
Chandra has two wives namely Amrita and Rohini. He is assisted by Varunan and Gowri. Moon is the presiding God of mind and emotions.
Rice or paddy is associated grain for Moon. He is water God preserved by Lord Parvati. Natural Pearl are sought for his puja. He is placed in Southeast direction.

3) Mangala (Mars)
Mangala is the God of Planet Mars, the red planet. Mangala also called as "Angaraka" or "Bhauma" (son of Bhumi - Earth). He presides over “Mangal-war” or "Tuesday". His work is to govern the qualities of courage and bravery. His vehicle is a goat. He holds a spear in his hands. Red Gram is the grain associated grain for mars. Red Coral was sought for his puja.

4) Budha (Mercury)
Budha is the God of planet Mercury and son of Moon God. He presides over “Budh-war” or "Wednesday". He is the presiding God for Education and Intelligence. He holds Vedas in one hand, sword in the other hand and his other two hands carry mace and shield. Budha’s vehicle is a Gaj-lion

5) Guru (Jupiter)
Guru is the God of planet Jupiter. He presides over “Guru-war” or "Thursday". He has four hands and holds a stick, a lotus & beads. Guru’s vehicle is a Swan, which is a white bird. He is known as Guru, the god of Wisdom and is also the instructor for Devas.

6) Shukra (Venus)
Shukra is the god of planet Venus. He presides over “Shukra-war” or "Friday". Shukra is the son of Bhrigu & Ushana. Shukra means "Bright illumination". Shukra is the God of Comforts, arts and culture and represents wealth, pleasure & reproduction. Shukra was the instructor of King Bali and demons. His vehicle is frog, camel, horse or crocodile. In Hedavde Mahalaxmi Navgrah mandir his Vahan is Horse.
He is the Guru or Asuras. He stands with folded hands.

7) Shani (Saturn)
Shani is the god of planet Saturn. Shani is the son of Surya (Son) and Chhaya. He presides over “Shani-war” or Saturday. The word Shani comes from a Sanskrit word which means “the one who moves slowly”. Saturn is the slowest planet to revolve around the son and it takes 30 years to do so. Shani’s vehicle is the black crow or raven. He has dark complexion and clothed in black. He holds a sword, arrows and two daggers.

8) Rahu
Rahu is not a planet, but the ascending point of moon. According to Hindu scriptures, Rahu is the head of a demon snake who swallows the sun and moon causing eclipses. Rahu is divided as "Ra" and "Hu" separately. "Ra" means Surrender and "Hu" means Sacrifice. Rahu’s vehicle is the lion. He was born as an Asura who can control one’s life and bring chaos in his life.
According to legend, during the Samudra mantan, the asura Rahu drank some of the divine nectar. But before the nectar could pass his throat, Mohini (the female avatar of Vishnu) cut off his head. The head, however, remained immortal and is called Rahu, while the rest of the body became Ketu.

9) Ketu
Ketu is not a planet, but the descending point of Moon. According to Hindu scriptures, Ketu is the tail of a demon snake. He is closely connected with Rahu. He was born as an Asura. He also does not rule any sign like Rahu but gives the effect. His vehicle is the Owl. Rahu represents supernatural influences.